Unfortunately with the never-ending waiting lists to see a doctor in the hospital setting for minor operative procedures, patients are often very frustrated and anxious. On the positive side, it is still possible to have your problem addressed privately. Most minor operations especially on the face and neck, are cosmetically undesirable for patients and minor surgical removal is requested.
The most common forms of minor surgery we undertake include the following, but are not limited to :
1. Skin Tags – These benign skin growths that project over the surrounding skin from a small, narrow stalk. They are commonly found on the eyelids, under the breasts, on the neck and underarms. They can be irritating as skin tags become caught in clothes or jewellery. They are painlessly removed under local anaesthesia.
2. Moles — Firstly an assessment of your mole is done to access that it is not malignant. They are easily removed painlessly under local anaesthesia.
3. Cyst Removal – Cysts may commonly develop on the trunk, face, neck and scalp. Caused normally by swollen oil producing glands, they take the form of a globular sac under the skin. Generally, they are painless slow-growing lumps, but occasionally may become inflamed or infected. This is best avoided and cysts removed painlessly under local anaesthetic.
4. Lipoma – Lipomas or fatty growths are movable round lumps under the skin which range in size. They are benign tumours made up of fat cells and are normally slow-growing lumps in the subcutaneous tissue. Again their removal is a simple procedure, performed painlessly under local anaesthesia.
5. Ganglion Treatment – These are sac-like swellings or cysts within a tendon that are formed from degeneration of tendon, commonly due to excess friction. They are very often found on the wrist.
6. Scars Treatment – Scar revision and subcision is minor surgery under local anaesthesia to improve the appearance of scars. It also improves skin disfigurement caused by scar secondary to an injury, wound, or previous surgery. Each scar is assessed on its own merits and the most appropriate treatments are discussed in detail.
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