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6 things to consider when researching and choosing a cosmetic clinic

Thankfully with the advances in medicine, our lifestyle, awareness of the importance of appropriate food and exercise etc. the previously 40 year mark is now 60 years. Hence the new ‘old age’(if there is such a thing) is now 70 plus plus. The awareness that medical treatments now available that can make you look fresher, younger and more youthful, and cosmetically delay ageing process is great. These popular medical treatments can range from being non surgical to minimally invasive minor surgical with little or no downtime to recovery.

There is a significant demand for anti ageing and beautification medical treatments. These medical treatments not only treat ageing factors such as facial volume loss, looseness of skin with decreasing skin elasticity and collagen, hyperactivity of certain muscles that give rise to movement lines but also have a preventative effect to delay the cosmetic signs of ageing.

Important considerations you must consider when booking your Aesthetic treatment.

  1. Be confident that you have found a qualified and skilled Doctor in whom you can put your TRUST in. They are trained to carry out treatments /procedures in a very skilled and knowledgeable way that give you pleasing results with your safety at the forefront.
  2. If you follow the above, you will be provided with an in-depth medical consultation to not only go through your medical history which includes any medications that you may be on and drug allergies but ultimately to under-stand exactly what your needs are and what the corresponding realistic expectations should you expect
  3. After going through your medical history, they will give you the best ad-vise on available treatments and will explain their advantages and disadvantages. They will provide an appropriate standard of care expected of a medical treatment.
  4. Of most importance is the fact that while the treatments are generally safe, there is a small possibility of different complications. These complications would be as minimum in expert hands of a trained Doctor.
  5. If in the unlikely event that there is a complication, it will be dealt with promptly and competently. An aesthetic practitioner who is not a doctor/surgeon would be referring you to a doctor or would just experiment on you, often with time delay and disastrous outcomes.
  6. Don’t be persuaded by marketing, price war and too good to be true unrealistic expectations.

The fact is that it is the expert Doctors/Surgeons who eventually take care of complications that would have happened in the hands of unqualified/minimally qualified practitioners carrying out the treatment.

Remember that it is your face and your body you are having treated. You should make a careful and logical decision as to who treats you to minimise risks and complications.

Be safe and don’t let yourself be persuaded by marketing and price war. You may be paying more for the skill and qualifications of a Doctor/Surgeon but your safety, your face and your well being is well worth it.

Dr. Shunil Roy
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